Friday, June 1, 2007

Sushi Sweet Sushi

We recently moved from the San Francisco Bay area to Fort Collins, Colorado. While Money Magazine rated Fort Collins as the best small city to live [link] in I'm afraid to say they did not consider restaurants in there ratings. It's taken us a few months to figure out the local restaurant scene and I've yet to find a decent sushi restaurant in town. Denver has a few good sushi bars so I can get a fix however it's an hour away. Which brings me to the point of this post. I have not been able to get a good recommendation for sushi since we moved here. Most peoples response when I ask is they don't like sushi. When I ask if they tried sushi most say no or that they went once but did not know how to order and did not like what was served. This madness has to end with a little instruction it's my belief most people would love the stuff since sushi can be sweet, savory, or anywhere in between. To that end check out the SushiFAQ and explore the tasty bite sized morsels of goodness.

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