Monday, June 18, 2007

Gear-Stand Mixer

The Post did a great job of listing basic items for a kitchen. But, if you want to turbo charge your kitchen. Here is the most essential non-essential item I have. I use almost every day. Like Tivo you don't know you need it until you have one and try to do without. I have a Kitchen Aid because they seemed to be the brand everyone seemed to copy. But, I'm sure there are other makes just as good and possibly less expensive.

Stand Mixer:
I try to bake at least once a week this makes baking fun. I also have an attachment that grates. I've not bought grated cheese since and potato pancakes are back in the menu rotation.

Whether you go with the Kitchen Aid or another brand there are certain features you want to look for when buying a mixer.

  1. Versatile: The mixer should come with a whipping, dough hook and flat mixer attachment.
  2. Sturdy: The mixer should stay in place while mixing batter or dough while on high.
  3. Reach: Beaters should be able to reach all areas of the mixing bowl. If it leaves the sides or bottom untouched it's not mixing.
  4. Speed: You should have several at least six speed settings to accommodate everything you want to mix.
And once you get a stand mixer the first receipe you should try is whipped cream. Just put it atop some pound cake and some garnish with some thawed fruit. (Our favorite is blueberries.)

Whipped Cream
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream, chilled
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or almond extract
  1. Chill the mixer bowl and whipping attachment.
  2. Combine the cream, sugar, sour cream and vanilla in the mixers bowl.
  3. Use mixer to whip to stiff (but not grainy) peaks.
  4. Enjoy.

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